Bath Pride is a registered charity and we exist to undertake our charitable objects. This page contains what our purpose is, our constitution, and our policies.
Our Objects
As a charity, we exist to further our objects contained in our constitution. These are:

To promote equality and diversity for the public benefit and in particular the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity, including in particular but not exclusively by:
  1. Organising and promoting events throughout the year to celebrate the LGBT+ community and raise awareness of discrimination and other issues affecting the LGBT+ community and the advancement of LGBT+ rights;
  2. Organising an annual festival celebrating the LGBT+ community and providing a space for discussion and advancement of LGBT+ rights;
  3. Raising awareness with the public of the LGBT+ experience, in particular the aspects of discrimination and the difficulties faced by LGBT+ people;
  4. Associating with other organisations, including but not limited to government, charities, public and private organisations, and volunteering organisations, as appropriate for the advancement of LGBT+ equality;
  5. Creating and publishing documents, publicity material, media, lectures, and other activities in line with these objects.
Decision Making
Bath Pride is run by the Board of Trustees who have a variety of duties, including:
  • creating and approving all our policies and governing documents,
  • approving budgets and action plans,
  • provide guidance and expertise, setting the direction of Bath Pride’s activities,
  • ensure compliance with all relevant laws and requirements
There is a subcommittee of the board, called the Organising Committee. They are tasked with the more day-to-day running of Bath Pride, delivering the events and activities under the direction of the board. They are tasked with:
  • organise, deliver, and evaluate Bath Pride events, with a specific focus on an annual event,
  • oversee Bath Pride’s social media presence and create engaging digital content,
  • connect and work with external organisations,
  • ensure effective administration of Bath Pride, such as creating risk assessments, project plans, and budget plans,
  • connect and engage with the LGBT+ community,
  • provide support to the Board of Trustees,
Members of the committee are appointed by the board, and are accountable to them in all their activities.
We have created a Decision Making Framework that explains the ethos and principles to how we approach decisions within Bath Pride. There is also an Organising Committee Terms of Reference that outlines its powers and membership.
We are still in the early stages of setting up our charity, and part of that process is creating our policies.
Our Finance Policy outlines our process for approving income and expenditure, and our other financial controls.
As we create and approve our other policies they will appear here.