Our Team
Our team of volunteers are working hard to deliver Bath Pride. Our trustee board provides oversight of Bath Pride's activities, and the organising committee manages the day-to-day running of Pride.


Katie Skinner
  • Katie Skinner (she/her)
Hi I'm Katie. I was born in Bath, and moved back here permanently about ten years ago. I'm bisexual, and I'm disabled - both of these identities shape how I interact with the world. I'm excited to be helping with Bath Pride, and I really believe that participating in your community can be an important way to make big changes.
Bon O'Hara
  • Bon O'Hara (they/them)
Hi I'm Bon, I'm a proudly queer and neurodivergant parent, partner, educator and youth worker. I've been a Bath resident since I moved here 20 odd years ago for uni, and I currently live in Peasedown St John. As part of the teams behind the Bath Gender Equality Network, Transcend Festival, and Bristol Butch Bar, I spend a lot of my time creating places for queer people to take up space and I'm really excited for Bath to finally have a grassroots, inclusive Pride celebration of its own.
Tracey Hancock
  • Tracey Hancock (she/her)
Hi I'm Tracey. I came out in the early 1980s and was active through the section 28 years and beyond. Recently though I've taken a less active role in queer issues so I'm really excited to be involved with Bath Pride. I lived in London for a long time and moved to Bath 11 years ago.