What a day! Three times as many people as we expected arrived on the day to the picnic and the march, and we were blown away by the support everyone showed to this first event.
We were so pleased to see so many people join us to march through the city - far beyond our expectations, and just barely within our capacity! A massive thank you to all of the volunteer marshals who helped keep everyone safe, and thank yous to all the groups who came together to represent their communities, as well as everyone who joined as individuals. Particular thanks to the Ambulance service, who's ambulance brought up the rear of the march in style.
Thank you so much to everyone who attended the picnic - stallholders and musicians, families, individuals, groups of friends and colleagues, we were so pleased to see all of you out to celebrate with us. Special thanks also to the Holburne Museum, who gave us so much support and let us use their space, and Bath Business Improvement District who lent us equipment that let us run the event smoothly.