Pride march
18th August 2024, 13:00-14:00
starting in William Street
Pride March through the city, pride is a protest!
Pride is a protest. Marches are an important part of pride, they provide an opportunity for the LGBT+ community to come together to further our rights, and try to create a more tolerant and accepting city.
A group of protesters holding LGBT+ related signs in Bath
Please see the carousel below for photographs of the whole route. Key information:

How to March

We will be assembling the parade at the entrance to Bath Recreation Ground on William Street at 12:45 to prepare for the march, which is due to start at 13:00 sharp. Below, there is a map of the march, and a photo guide to the route. The march will take the following route:
  • William Street
  • Great Pulteney Street
  • Argyle Street
  • Pulteney Bridge
  • A3039
  • Cheap Street
  • Union Street
  • Upper Borough Walls
  • A3039
  • Pulteney Bridge
  • Argyle Street
  • Great Pulteney Street
  • William Street
It is important if you are taking part in the march that you pay attention to all stewards and marshalls and follow their instructions. You must agree to the terms and conditions at the bottom of this page to take part in our march, to ensure we meet our responsibilities in keeping people safe and keeping the march to schedule on the day.
We have identified a few toilets along the route: Parade Gardens, Bath Abbey, Waitrose, York Street, Pump Rooms, Westgate Street, Old Bond Street (Cafe Nero), 15 New Bond Street, Henrietta Park. Please be aware the march will not be able to wait for you, but do feel free to meet your needs and rejoin us later when you're ready.

Getting there from the picnic

Please be aware that the picnic is a short distance from the start of the march so you will need to leave some time to get there for the assembly time. We found that it takes about 7 minutes, including waiting to cross the road in several places. Please note that this is not a part of the march route, and you should exercise normal caution around the roads and crossings. See the carousel below for details on how to get to the route start from the picnic location.
Terms and conditions
1 Applications
This section is relevant to and has been provided to group applications only and has been elided for clarity.
2 Attendance
2.1 There is no entry fees for involvement with the march, but no entrant or attendees may take part unless approved by Bath Pride.
2.2 Any children attendees under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
2.3 Bath Pride reserves the right at any time to require the removal of any piece of equipment, display, decoration, wording, or other item from entry.
2.4 Bath Pride reserves the right to order entrants in any such order it sees fit.
2.5 Entrants and attendees must adhere to the directed route and must follow directions from any stewards or marshals, including during the assembly and dispersal of the march.
2.6 Bath Pride reserves the right to change the start time, location and route, and to cancel the march at any time. In such circumstances no compensation will be payable to any entrant.
2.7 Entrants cannot transfer any allocated space to a third party, and no space or surface shall be sold to third parties as advertising space.
2.8 Entrants must not use any fireworks, sparklers, naked flames, firecrackers, explosives, pyrotechnics, or any other item of a similar nature.
2.9 Entrants must not have any motorised vehicles or equipment of a similar nature.
3 Health and Safety
3.1 Entrants must take all reasonable steps to ensure that all relevant requirements of Health and Safety legislation are met during their participation in the Parade.
3.2 Entrants must be prepared for adverse weather conditions with appropriate protection.
4 Insurance and Indemnity
4.1 Entrants shall indemnify Bath Pride from and against all loss, actions, claims, damages, costs, expenses and liabilities of whatever nature howsoever arising incurred by the Council in connection with the entrant’s entry and participation in the march (including its assembly and dispersal periods).
4.2 Bath Pride shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury incurred by any entrant to or participant in the march (whether an individual or organisation), or to any equipment forming part of an entry, or to the property of any person taking part in the march (whether or not such property forms part of an entry) at any time during the march (including its assembly and dispersal periods) howsoever such loss or damage is caused, save only that Bath Pride does not exclude liability for any personal injury or death caused by the Bath Pride’s own negligence.
4.3 Bath Pride shall not be liable for any loss, damage, claim or expense of any nature whatsoever in the event of cancellation of the Parade for whatever cause or withdrawal of an entry from the Parade under any of the clauses of these conditions
5 Additional Considerations
5.1 Entrants agree to participate in any publicity and documentation organised by Bath Pride in the period leading up to and during the march.
5.2 Disputes as to the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions will be resolved by the Bath Pride Trustee Chair or Organising Committee Chair, whose decision will be final.
5.3 All attendees and entrants will be kind, compassionate, and respectful of each other and the wider public at all times.